In this blog, we’ll talk about the best fish tank for a crayfish. If you have a pet crayfish or think you might want to get one, you will definitely need a fish tank for your cray. However, some tanks are better than others. And there are several factors that determine which tank will work […]
If you are asking yourself, “How often should I change my fish tank’s water with a crayfish?” Let me try and help you out. Because, in this blog, we’ll discuss water changes. I’ve successfully kept my freshwater blue crayfish for several years. I’ve learned lots of things, and sometimes I’ve learned the hard way. But […]
If you are one of those folks asking yourself, “where can I get a fish tank for cheap,” I have a few suggestions. Personally, I’ve never been crazy about getting second-hand stuff, unless it’s an antique of some sort. However, when it comes to mechanical merchandise, I have my reservations. Having said that though, I […]
Which fish tank is best? I’ve heard that question several times before. Heck, I’ve asked myself that same question many times. However, when I hear this question, it leads me to other questions, important questions. They are listed below. Which Fish Tank is Best?: Well, What’s it For? First, what will your fish tank be […]
The question shouldn’t be, “Will crayfish eat my fish?” The question should be, “What won’t my crayfish eat?” So Will Crayfish Eat the Fish in Your Aquarium? Crayfish are aggressive omnivores. They are opportunistic little guys. If they see a chance to snag something and eat it, they will. That means, yes, crayfish will eat […]
Do snails help clean fish tanks? Or should I say, wouldn’t it be nice to have some help cleaning your fish tank—having something else to help you clean out the algae and gunk in your tank? Well, as it turns out, Nerite snails can be great little helpers. They can eat the annoying algae that […]
Is the Aqueon Background LED ten gallon a good tank? Well mine was. The pump worked perfectly and I never had any issues with that tank. Then when I moved in May of last year for medical reasons, I gave the Aqueon fish tank away and bought a new one a few weeks later. Only […]
The Blue Lobster, also known scientifically as procambarus alleni, and in layman’s terms, as blue crayfish, blue Florida crayfish, electric blue crayfish, and Everglades crayfish, are not really fussy eaters. While their origin is Florida, these scavengers are increasingly popular aquarium pets. Unfortunately, even pet store owners who do stock them are unaware of what […]
The best desktop aquarium should be affordable, quality-made, and easy to work with. If you want a desktop aquarium, there are many to choose from. Why Get a Desktop Aquarium? Why would anyone want such a small aquarium anyway? A one-gallon aquarium simply can’t be any fun. Well, one-gallon fish tanks can be a bit […]
If you want to know how to tell if your crayfish is about to molt, let me tell you a short story and give you the tell-tale signs that your little buddy is about to shed his exoskeleton. Several years ago, I bought my electric blue crayfish a new hideout, mainly for the purpose of […]